KIKK Galaxy, Le Delta and UNamur are launching the Arts & Sciences 2025 call for residencies on the theme of Astronomy !
Residency dates: Aug 25 - Sept 17 2025
📩 Apply by April 28

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Calling all ingenious dreamers, clever entrepreneurs, eco-responsible idealists. If you have an innovative project, the KIKK festival Market is the opportunity to share it with the world! Submit your application by filling in this form and take the opportunity to exhibit it for free at the KIKK Festival 2022 from 27 to 30 October in Namur.
Art & Science residency programme at the UNamur (University of Namur) Astronomical Observatory, organised in partnership with STARTS, KIKK, the Delta, the cultural space of the Province of Namur, and the TRAKK, the creative hub and Fab Lab of Namur. Two artists and/or collectives (1 international / 1 from Wallonia / Brussels Federation) Each of them will receive a grant of 5.000 € to develop an Art / Science project on the theme of astronomy, as well as curatorial and scientific support to develop their production project.
Hello KIKK galaxy!
naxYs is recruiting one postdoctoral researcher for one year to carry out
research work in the context of a collaborative art science project involving naxYs, TRAKK & KIKK
team, as well as the collective VOID, a visual and sound art collective based in Brussels.
The main outcome of this project is the design and building of 20 mobile autonomous robots, able to
interact with each other using light and sound signals as means of communication The robots
are used to create an installation art under the artistic supervision of the Collective VOID. The
researcher has to design and build the robots prototype whose characteristics will be defined in
collaboration with the Collective VOID.
View more here
Tu es un artiste ou un entrepreneur du monde de la culture basé en Wallonie? Tu as un projet de médiation scientifique innovant dans les cartons? envie de repenser l’expérience culturelle grâce aux technologies ou d’utiliser les sciences comme un matériau de création? Alors ce nouvel appel à candidatures est fait pour toi. Deadline : 10 janvier 2021 minuit
Notre objectif : accompagner 3 porteurs de projets transdisciplinaires afin de favoriser l’émergence de nouvelles formes de création en lien les sciences et les technologies.
Tu as jusqu’au 10 janvier 2021 minuit pour répondre à notre appel. A la clé? un accompagnement humain, logistique et financier à la création d’un prototype, un accès facilité aux chercheurs de l’UNAMUR et aux bonnes ondes du fablab.
Télécharge ici le règlement de l’appel à candidatures
Si tu as une question tu peux contacter Nathalie Cimino :
It is with great sadness that we write to announce our decision to cancel this edition of KIKK festival 2020. We really wanted to believe in it, we worked like crazy until the last minute to try to deliver a festival with all the security measures in mind. But with the new government measures that have just been announced, we see ourselves in the definitive impossibility of organising the festival as we had planned.
The Goethe-Institut in collaboration with KIKK Festival, its Creative Hub & Fab Lab TRAKK and the cultural center Les Abattoirs de Bomel are awarding a grant for a residency project on ECOLOGICAL FUTURES. The residency program will take place in Namur from the 2nd to the 30st of September 2020. We are inviting two residents in total: one from Germany and one from Belgium, residents of the 2 countries are also eligible.