KIKK Market 2023
Demonstration and sales area for innovative projects
KIKK Market is a showcase of innovative hardware projects using new technologies developed by international startups, artists, makers or entrepreneurs or simply...talented people! It is a space where you can exhibit, demo and sale.
The goals of KIKK Market are :
to showcase original and inspiring projects ;
to give the public the opportunity to test, manipulate and potentially buy them ;
to inspire new methods of business development.
the possibility to sell / organize pre-orders
In 2022, 25.000 people visited KIKK Market. 35 projects from 10 different countries were exhibited in a 1150m2 space.
Advantages for exhibitors :
increase their visibility;
have their product tested, collect user feedbacks;
organize sales / pre-order of their product;
benefit from the image and visibility of the KIKK Festival;
network, meet other start-ups;
initiate collaborations;
find potential funders
Focus for 2023 :
This year and for the first time, the KIKK team has chosen to thematize its Market around 4 main themes :
Music Tech
Kids Tech / Education Tech
Extended Realities (AR, VR, XR, ...)
Health Tech
Practical details :
When ?
From 26 to 29 October from 10 am to 6 pm.
Thursday 26 Oct. & Friday 27 Oct. → BtoB & BtoC audience (2500 pro / 25 000 visitors)
Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 Oct. → BtoC audience
You can register for the 4 days or choose one of the two options above !Where ?
In Namur, Belgium. In the very center of the city, next to the other KIKK Festival venues, in a 1150m2 marquee highly visible both by KIKK visitors and general public from Namur.

How much is it?
Basic prices :
Companies, startups, projects selected by our team :
200€ for a 3m *3m booth
250€ for a 4m *3m booth
= 10% of the initial price
For external partners :
2000€ for a 3m x 3m booth
2500€ for a 4m x 3m booth
If you need a custom surface or have a specific project, don't hesitate to let us know. Customized offers can be made.
You want to be selected by the KIKK Team ?
Question? Need more info?
What’s KIKK Festival ?
International festival about creative & digital culture
2023. Twelfth edition of the KIKK Festival.
In 12 years, KIKK association, well known by all, has succeeded in its challenge: a strong positioning thanks, in particular, to the annual organization of a festival at the crossroads between arts, sciences, technologies and society. A festival that questions the impact of technologies on the world. An event that brings together, in Namur, the cultural and creative industries from around the world. The KIKK Festival has undoubtedly become one of the major events in the world of digital and creative cultures, whose common thread has always been transversality.
KIKK Festival, that’s it :
CONFERENCES : More than 40 conferences about branding and strategy, creative coding, data viz, artificial intelligence, VR/AR, design, research and more.
WORKSHOPS & MASTERCLASSES : KIKK’s workshops are an opportunity for participants to discover new technologies and techniques. The proposed programming is sometimes accessible, sometimes more specialized.
CREATIVE VILLAGE : the central place of the festival :
THE KIKK PRO : the networking space reserved for the festival’s pro visitors.
THE MARKET : demonstration and sales area for innovative projects
INTERNATIONAL BOOTHS dedicated to countries that wish to take advantage of the KIKK to present the best of their territory in terms of CCI.
NETWORKING : A networking platform that allows you to connect with hundreds of other professionals.
THE KIKK IN TOWN :Discover the city in a different way thanks to this journey, including monumental and interactive installations ! Entrance fee 5€
KIKK YOUR CAREER : An opportunity to discover and meet the big names of the creative industrie landscape active in the digital arts sector. Free entrance
KIKK PARTIES : Because KIKK is also (and maybe especially) a party atmosphere, we invite you to several performances and parties. On the menu, live music, audiovisual performances, DJ sets and glitter!
Want to know more about KIKK Festival ? That’s here !
KIKK Market is made possible by the ERDF (Fonds Européen de Développement Régional)